I have been very busy getting ready for my first show, Brookside Art Annual in Kansas City- May 1-3, 2015. I’m trying to make new pieces and put together a beautiful collection to bring with me which will cover fabulous new necklaces and cuffs, as well as a selection of new earrings. Today I finished…

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I love quilts. Especially simple Amish quilts and modern quilts where color is what they are all about. There is something about the geometric cuts of pure color, one set against another and fused with sewing, that just works for me.There are times where I think, I’m done with the flat peyote cuffs, I want…

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It’s now the time for me to focus on new work for my upcoming Spring and Summer shows. My first show is May 1-3, 2015 at the Brookside Arts Annual show in Kansas City. I love this show, and I love the arts patrons of Kansas City. They have been so good to me! This…

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http://www.artfulhome.com/trunk-show Tomorrow is the first official day of my Trunk Show with Artful Home- both online, and in their paper catalog which will be sent to homes throughout the US. I have been working for the past two months on the one-of-a-kind pieces that are featured, and it’s all very exciting. We have done very…

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Yesterday the weather in Boulder was strangely warm and beautiful. Heavenly, in fact. My husband and I ventured forth on a two hour bike ride along trails and then went east towards the reservoir. The cerulean blue of the water against the copen blue of the sky was almost too much to take.

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These little Teepee earrings are made with hammered Sterling silver and wrapped wire, accented with a little glass beaded bead that I wove. They are fun and very light. I realize that the kinds of earrings that I like to wear involve a kind of simplicity. I’m not about ornate earrings. It’s actually harder to…

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Julie Powell Design