I can get a little obsessed with beads. I knew I wanted to come up with a recipe for a cube beaded bead but I didn’t know it would take days to get it right. I made patterns using pencil and paper, then I switched to peyote stitch graph paper. Nothing worked as well as trial and error, trial and error. By the tenth bead I felt I had finally gotten what I wanted. The colors on this particular piece are inconsequential, which is very unusual for me. I love using the form of a cube. It has the feeling of sequencing that I love and reminds me of wooden blocks and alphabet cubes that we had as children. The hematite discs felt neutral and felt right with the complicated nature of the beads. Who thought I would work out problems involving math and spacial relationships at this point in my life?

4 replies on “Beaded Cubed Beads”
Rikki Blitt
Wow!!! Stunning!
Rikki Blitt
I meant to add that this is a truly delicious recipe.
Thanks, Rikki! Yes irresistible.
yum! Thanks, Rikki