“There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance. Pray, love, remember. And there’s pansies; that’s for thoughts… There’s fennel for you, and columbines. There’s rue for you, and some for me….there’s a daisy….” . This passage is from Ophelia’s mad scene, Act 4, Scene 5 of Hamlet. The play is indelibly stitched into my mind. Ophelia is not the happiest of characters (!) but she her name is very evocative to me- as are the variety of flowers she describes. Shakespeare’s words conjure up very rich images for me. This necklace is hand beaded with antique and vintage European seed beads with jade accents. I used a variety of peyote kinds of stitches as well as herringbone. It is 18″ around the neck with a handwoven clasp.